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2d-algebra 4.1
AlgebraAction 2.2-1
AlgebraActionByHomomorphism 2.2-4
AlgebraActionByModule 2.3-4
AlgebraActionByMultipliers 2.2-2
AlgebraActionBySurjection 2.2-3
AlgebraActionOnDirectSum 2.4-4
AlgebraToModuleIsomorphism 2.3-3
AllAlgebraHomomorphisms 2.6-1
AllBijectiveAlgebraHomomorphisms 2.6-1
AllIdempotentAlgebraHomomorphisms 2.6-1
AugmentationXMod 4.1-3
Boundary, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
    for crossed modules of commutative algebras 4.1-4
    for morphisms of cat1-algebras 3.2-2
cat1-group 3.1
Cat1Algebra 3.1-1
Cat1AlgebraMorphism 3.2-1
Cat1AlgebraMorphismByHoms 3.2-1
Cat1AlgebraOfXModAlgebra 5.1-1
Cat1AlgebraSelect 3.1-3
crossed module 4.1
Dimension, for 2d-algebras 3.1-2
DirectSumOfAlgebraActions 2.4-5
DirectSumOfAlgebraHomomorphisms 2.4-3
DirectSumOfAlgebrasInfo 2.4-1
DirectSumOfXModAlgebras 4.1-9
Embedding, for direct sum of algebras 2.4-2
HeadMap, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
IdentityMapping, for cat1-algebras 3.2-1
    for crossed modules of algebras 4.2-1
Image 4.2-3
ImagesSource2DimensionalMapping 3.2-3
IsAlgebraMultiplier 2.1-2
IsBijjective 4.2-4
IsCat1Algebra 3.1-1
IsCat1AlgebraMorphism 3.2-1
IsIdentityCat1Algebra 3.1-1
IsInjective 4.2-4
IsModuleAsAlgebra 2.3-2
IsPreCat1Algebra 3.1-1
IsPreCat1AlgebraMorphism 3.2-1
IsPreXModAlgebra 4.1-1
IsPreXModAlgebraMorphism 4.2-1
IsSingleValued, for morphisms of cat1-algebras 3.2-2
    for morphisms of crossed modules of algebras 4.2-1
IsSubCat1Algebra 3.1-4
IsSubPreCat1Algebra 3.1-4
IsSubXModAlgebra 4.1-10
IsSurjective 4.2-4
IsTotal, for morphisms of cat1-algebras 3.2-2
    for morphisms of crossed modules of algebras 4.2-1
IsXModAlgebra 4.1-1
IsXModAlgebraMorphism 4.2-1
Kernel, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
    for morphisms of crossed modules of algebras 4.2-2
KernelEmbedding, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
ModuleAsAlgebra 2.3-1
ModuleToAlgebraIsomorphism 2.3-3
MultiplierAlgebra 2.1-4
MultiplierAlgebraOfIdealBySubalgebra 2.1-3
MultiplierHomomorphism 2.1-5
Name, for morphisms of cat1-algebras 3.2-2
    for morphisms of crossed modules of algebras 4.2-1
PreCat1Algebra 3.1-1
PreCat1AlgebraByEndomorphisms 3.1-1
PreCat1AlgebraByTailHeadEmbedding 3.1-1
PreCat1AlgebraMorphism 3.2-1
PreCat1AlgebraMorphismByHoms 3.2-1
PreCat1AlgebraOfPreXModAlgebra 5.1-1
precrossed module 4.1
PreXModAlgebra 4.1-1
PreXModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction 4.1-7
PreXModAlgebraMorphismByHoms 4.2-1
PreXModAlgebraOfPreCat1Algebra 5.1-2
Projection, for direct sum of algebras 2.4-2
Range, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
    for crossed modules of commutative algebras 4.1-4
    for morphisms of cat1-algebras 3.2-2
    for morphisms of crossed modules of algebras 4.2-1
RangeEmbedding, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
RangeHom 4.2-4
RegularAlgebraMultiplier 2.1-1
SemidirectProductOfAlgebras 2.5-1
SemidirectProductOfAlgebrasInfo 2.5-2
Size2d, for 2d-algebras 3.1-2
Source, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
    for crossed modules of commutative algebras 4.1-4
    for morphisms of cat1-algebras 3.2-2
    for morphisms of crossed modules of algebras 4.2-1
SourceHom 4.2-4
SubCat1Algebra 3.1-4
SubPreCat1Algebra 3.1-4
SubXModAlgebra 4.1-10
TailMap, for cat1-algebras 3.1-2
XModAlgebra 4.1-1
XModAlgebraAction 4.1-4
XModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction 4.1-7
XModAlgebraByIdeal 4.1-2
XModAlgebraByModule 4.1-8
XModAlgebraByMultiplierAlgebra 4.1-5
XModAlgebraBySurjection 4.1-6
XModAlgebraMorphism 4.2-1
XModAlgebraMorphismByHoms 4.2-1
XModAlgebraOfCat1Algebra 5.1-2

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