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4 Crossed modules
 4.1 Definition and Examples
 4.2 (Pre-)Crossed Module Morphisms

4 Crossed modules

In this chapter we will present the notion of crossed modules of commutative algebras and their implementation in this package.

4.1 Definition and Examples

A crossed module is a k-algebra morphism \(\mathcal{X}:=(\partial:S\rightarrow R)\) with a left action of \(R\) on \(S\) satisfying

\[ {\bf XModAlg\ 1} ~:~ \partial(r \cdot s) = r(\partial s), \qquad {\bf XModAlg\ 2} ~:~ (\partial s) \cdot s^{\prime} = ss^{\prime}, \]

for all \(s,s^{\prime }\in S, \ r\in R\). The morphism \(\partial\) is called the boundary map of \(\mathcal{X}\)

Note that, although in this definition we have used a left action, in the category of commutative algebras left and right actions coincide.

When only the first axiom is satisfied, it is a precrossed module which is constructed.

The details of these implementations can be found in [Oda09].

4.1-1 XModAlgebra
‣ XModAlgebra( args )( function )
‣ PreXModAlgebra( args )( function )
‣ IsXModAlgebra( X0 )( property )
‣ IsPreXModAlgebra( X0 )( property )

These two global function call one of the following six operations, depending on the arguments supplied. The two properties listed are assigned as appropriate to the resulting structures.

4.1-2 XModAlgebraByIdeal
‣ XModAlgebraByIdeal( A, I )( operation )

Let \(A\) be an algebra and \(I\) an ideal of \(A\). Then \(\mathcal{X} = (inc:I\rightarrow A)\) is a crossed module whose action is left multiplication of \(A\) on \(I\). Conversely, given a crossed module \(\mathcal{X} = (\partial : S \rightarrow R)\), it is the case that \({\partial(S)}\) is an ideal of \(R\).

gap> F := GF(5);;
gap> one := One(F);;
gap> two := Z(5);; 
gap> z := Zero( F );; 
gap> l := [ [one,z,z], [z,one,z], [z,z,one] ];; 
gap> m := [ [z,one,two^3], [z,z,one], [z,z,z] ];;
gap> n := [ [z,z,one], [z,z,z], [z,z,z] ];; 
gap> A := Algebra( F, [l,m] );; 
gap> SetName( A, "A(l,m)" ); 
gap> B := Subalgebra( A, [m] );; 
gap> SetName( B, "A(m)" ); 
gap> IsIdeal( A, B ); 
gap> act := AlgebraActionByMultipliers( A, B, A );; 
gap> XAB := XModAlgebraByIdeal( A, B ); 
[ A(m) -> A(l,m) ]
gap> SetName( XAB, "XAB" ); 

4.1-3 AugmentationXMod
‣ AugmentationXMod( A )( attribute )

As a special case of the previous operation, the attribute AugmentationXMod(A) of a group algebra \(A\) is the XModAlgebraByIdeal formed using the AugmentationIdeal of the group algebra.

gap> Ak4 := GroupRing( GF(5), DihedralGroup(4) );
<algebra-with-one over GF(5), with 2 generators>
gap> Size( Ak4 );
gap> SetName( Ak4, "GF5[k4]" );
gap> IAk4 := AugmentationIdeal( Ak4 );
<two-sided ideal in GF5[k4], (2 generators)>
gap> Size( IAk4 );
gap> SetName( IAk4, "I(GF5[k4])" );
gap> XIAk4 := XModAlgebraByIdeal( Ak4, IAk4 );
[ I(GF5[k4]) -> GF5[k4] ]
gap> Display( XIAk4 );

Crossed module [I(GF5[k4])->GF5[k4]] :- 
: Source algebra I(GF5[k4]) has generators:
  [ (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1, (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^
    0)*f2 ]
: Range algebra GF5[k4] has generators:
  [ (Z(5)^0)*<identity> of ..., (Z(5)^0)*f1, (Z(5)^0)*f2 ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1, (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^
    0)*f2 ]

gap> Size2d( XIAk4 );
[ 125, 625 ]

4.1-4 Source
‣ Source( X0 )( attribute )
‣ Range( X0 )( attribute )
‣ Boundary( X0 )( attribute )
‣ XModAlgebraAction( X0 )( attribute )

These four attributes are used in the construction of a crossed module \(\mathcal{X}\) where:

The following standard GAP operations have special XModAlg implementations:

In the following example, we construct a crossed module by using the algebra \(GF_{5}D_{4}\) and its augmentation ideal. We also show usage of the attributes listed above.

gap> f := Boundary( XIAk4 );
[ (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1, (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...\
    0)*f2 ] -> [ (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1, 
  (Z(5)^2)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f2 ]
gap> RepresentationsOfObject( XIAk4 );
[ "IsComponentObjectRep", "IsAttributeStoringRep", "IsPreXModAlgebraObj" ]
gap> KnownPropertiesOfObject( XIAk4 );
[ "CanEasilyCompareElements", "CanEasilySortElements", "IsDuplicateFree", 
  "IsLeftActedOnByDivisionRing", "IsAdditivelyCommutative", "IsLDistributive",
  "IsRDistributive", "IsPreXModDomain", "Is2dAlgebraObject", 
  "IsPreXModAlgebra", "IsXModAlgebra" ]
gap> KnownAttributesOfObject( XIAk4 );
[ "Name", "LeftActingDomain", "Range", "Source", "Boundary", "Size2d", 
  "XModAlgebraAction" ]

4.1-5 XModAlgebraByMultiplierAlgebra
‣ XModAlgebraByMultiplierAlgebra( A )( operation )

When \(A\) is an algebra with multiplier algebra \(M\), then the map \(A \to M, ~ a \mapsto \mu_a\) is the boundary of a crossed module in which the action is the identity map on \(M\).

gap> XA := XModAlgebraByMultiplierAlgebra( A );
[ A(l,m) -> <algebra of dimension 3 over GF(5)> ]
gap> XModAlgebraAction( XA );
IdentityMapping( <algebra of dimension 3 over GF(5)> )

4.1-6 XModAlgebraBySurjection
‣ XModAlgebraBySurjection( f )( operation )

Let \(\partial : S\rightarrow R\) be a surjective algebra homomorphism whose kernel lies in the annihilator of \(S\). Define the action of \(R\) on \(S\) by \(r\cdot s = \widetilde{r}s\) where \(\widetilde{r} \in \partial^{-1}(r)\), as described in section AlgebraActionBySurjection (2.2-3). Then \(\mathcal{X}=(\partial : S\rightarrow R)\) is a crossed module with the defined action.

Continuing with the example in that section,

gap> X2 := XModAlgebraBySurjection( nat2 );; 
gap> Display( X2 ); 
Crossed module [A2->Q2] :- 
: Source algebra A2 has generators:
  [ [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 2 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ] ]
: Range algebra Q2 has generators:
  [ v.1, v.2 ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ v.1 ]

4.1-7 XModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction
‣ XModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction( bdy, act )( operation )
‣ PreXModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction( bdy, act )( operation )

When a suitable pair of algebra homomorphisms are available, these operations may be used. The example uses the algebra action created in section 2.3-4.

gap> bdy3 := AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( A3, MB3, [ m3 ], [ mg3 ] );
[ [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ] -> 
[ [ (1)*(), (1)*(1,2,3), (1)*(1,3,2) ] -> [ (1)*(1,2,3), (1)*(1,3,2), (1)*() 
     ] ]
gap> bdy3 := AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( B3, A3, [ g3 ], [ m3 ] );
[ (1)*(1,2,3) ] -> [ [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
gap> X3 := XModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction( bdy3, act3 );
[ GR(G) -> A3 ]
gap> Display( X3 );
Crossed module [GR(G) -> A3] :- 
: Source algebra GR(G) has generators:
  [ (1)*(), (1)*(1,2,3) ]
: Range algebra A3 has generators:
  [ [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], 
  [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]

4.1-8 XModAlgebraByModule
‣ XModAlgebraByModule( alg, leftmod )( operation )

Let \(M\) be an \(A\)-module. Then \(\mathcal{X} = (0 : A(M) \rightarrow A)\) is a crossed module, where \(A(M)\) is \(M\) considered as an algebra with zero products (see section 2.3-1). The example uses the action act3 constructed in section 2.3-4.

Conversely, given a crossed module \(\mathcal{X} = (\partial :M\rightarrow R)\), one can get that \(\ker\partial\) is a \((R/\partial M)\)-module.

gap> X4 := XModAlgebraByModule( A4, M4 );
[ A(M4) -> A4 ]
gap> Display( X4 );
Crossed module [A(M4)->A4] :- 
: Source algebra A(M4) has generators:
  [ [[ 1, 0, 0 ]], [[ 0, 1, 0 ]], [[ 0, 0, 1 ]] ]
: Range algebra A4 has generators:
  [4[ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], 
  [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], 
  [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ] ] ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], 
  [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], 
  [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ]

4.1-9 DirectSumOfXModAlgebras
‣ DirectSumOfXModAlgebras( X1, X2 )( operation )

In Sections 2.4-3 and 2.4-5 we constructed direct sums of algebra homomorphisms and algebra actions. So, given two crossed modules of algebras \(X_1, X_2\), we can form the direct sums of their boundaries and actions to form a direct sum \(X_1 \oplus X_2\) of crossed modules.

gap> DirectSumOfXModAlgebras( X3, X4 );
[ GR(G)(+)A(M4) -> A3(+)A4 ]

4.1-10 SubXModAlgebra
‣ SubXModAlgebra( alg, src, rng )( operation )
‣ IsSubXModAlgebra( alg, sub )( operation )

A crossed module \(\mathcal{X}^{\prime } = (\partial ^{\prime }:S^{\prime}\rightarrow R^{\prime })\) is a subcrossed module of the crossed module \(\mathcal{X} = (\partial :S\rightarrow R)\) if \(S^{\prime }\leq S\), \(R^{\prime}\leq R\), \(\partial^{\prime } = \partial|_{S^{\prime }}\), and the action of \(S^{\prime }\) on \(R^{\prime }\) is induced by the action of \(R\) on \(S\). The operation SubXModAlgebra is used to construct a subcrossed module of a given crossed module.

gap> e4 := Elements( IAk4 )[4];
(Z(5)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1+(Z(5)^2)*f2+(Z(5)^2)*f1*f2
gap> Je4 := Ideal( IAk4, [e4] );;
gap> Size( Je4 );
gap> SetName( Je4, "<e4>" ); 
gap> XJe4 := XModAlgebraByIdeal( Ak4, Je4 );
[ <e4> -> GF5[k4] ]
gap> Display( XJe4 );        

Crossed module [<e4>->GF5[k4]] :- 
: Source algebra <e4> has generators:
  [ (Z(5)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1+(Z(5)^2)*f2+(Z(5)^2)*f1*f2 ]
: Range algebra GF5[k4] has generators:
  [ (Z(5)^0)*<identity> of ..., (Z(5)^0)*f1, (Z(5)^0)*f2 ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ (Z(5)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(5)^0)*f1+(Z(5)^2)*f2+(Z(5)^2)*f1*f2 ]

gap> IsSubXModAlgebra( XIAk4, XJe4 );

4.2 (Pre-)Crossed Module Morphisms

Let \(\mathcal{X} = (\partial:S\rightarrow R)\) and \(\mathcal{X}^{\prime} = (\partial^{\prime }:S^{\prime }\rightarrow R^{\prime })\) be (pre)crossed modules and let \(\theta :S\rightarrow S^{\prime }\), \(\varphi : R\rightarrow R^{\prime }\) be algebra homomorphisms. Then if

\[ \varphi \circ \partial = \partial ^{\prime } \circ \theta, \qquad \theta (r\cdot s)=\varphi(r) \cdot \theta (s), \]

for all \(r\in R\), \(s\in S,\) the pair \((\theta ,\varphi )\) is called a morphism between \(\mathcal{X}\) and \(\mathcal{X}^{\prime } \)

The conditions can be thought as the commutativity of the following diagrams:

\[ \xymatrix@R=40pt@C=40pt{ S \ar[d]_{\partial} \ar[r]^{\theta} & S^{\prime } \ar[d]^{\partial^{\prime }} \\ R \ar[r]_{\varphi} & R^{\prime } } \ \ \ \ \xymatrix@R=40pt@C=40pt{ R \times S \ar[d] \ar[r]^{ \varphi \times \theta } & R^{\prime } \times S^{\prime } \ar[d] \\ S \ar[r]_{ \theta } & S^{\prime }. } \]

In GAP we define the morphisms between algebraic structures such as cat\(^{1}\)-algebras and crossed modules and they are investigated by the function Make2dAlgebraMorphism.

4.2-1 XModAlgebraMorphism
‣ XModAlgebraMorphism( arg )( function )
‣ IdentityMapping( Xalg )( method )
‣ PreXModAlgebraMorphismByHoms( src, rng, srchom, rnghom )( operation )
‣ XModAlgebraMorphismByHoms( src, rng, srchom, rnghom )( operation )
‣ IsPreXModAlgebraMorphism( mor )( property )
‣ IsXModAlgebraMorphism( mor )( property )
‣ Source( mor )( attribute )
‣ Range( mor )( attribute )
‣ IsTotal( mor )( method )
‣ IsSingleValued( m0r )( method )
‣ Name( mor )( method )

These operations construct crossed module homomorphisms, which may have the attributes listed.

gap> c4 := CyclicGroup( 4 );;
gap> Ac4 := GroupRing( GF(2), c4 );
<algebra-with-one over GF(2), with 2 generators>
gap> SetName( Ac4, "GF2[c4]" );
gap> IAc4 := AugmentationIdeal( Ac4 );
<two-sided ideal in GF2[c4], (dimension 3)>
gap> SetName( IAc4, "I(GF2[c4])" );
gap> XIAc4 := XModAlgebra( Ac4, IAc4 );
[ I(GF2[c4]) -> GF2[c4] ]
gap> Bk4 := GroupRing( GF(2), SmallGroup( 4, 2 ) );
<algebra-with-one over GF(2), with 2 generators>
gap> SetName( Bk4, "GF2[k4]" );
gap> IBk4 := AugmentationIdeal( Bk4 );
<two-sided ideal in GF2[k4], (dimension 3)>
gap> SetName( IBk4, "I(GF2[k4])" );
gap> XIBk4 := XModAlgebra( Bk4, IBk4 );
[ I(GF2[k4]) -> GF2[k4] ]
gap> IAc4 = IBk4;
gap> homIAIB := AllHomsOfAlgebras( IAc4, IBk4 );; 
gap> theta := homIAIB[3];; 
gap> homAB := AllHomsOfAlgebras( Ac4, Bk4 );;
gap> phi := homAB[7];; 
gap> mor := XModAlgebraMorphism( XIAc4, XIBk4, theta, phi );
[[I(GF2[c4])->GF2[c4]] => [I(GF2[k4])->GF2[k4]]]
gap> Display( mor );

Morphism of crossed modules :- 
: Source = [I(GF2[c4])->GF2[c4]]
:  Range = [I(GF2[k4])->GF2[k4]]
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ <zero> of ..., (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^
    0)*f1*f2, (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^
    0)*f1*f2 ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
  [ (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ..., (Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^0)*f1*f2, 
  (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ... ]

gap> IsTotal( mor );
gap> IsSingleValued( mor );

4.2-2 Kernel
‣ Kernel( mor )( method )

Let \((\theta,\varphi) : \mathcal{X} = (\partial : S \rightarrow R) \rightarrow \mathcal{X}^{\prime} = (\partial^{\prime} : S^{\prime} \rightarrow R^{\prime})\) be a crossed module homomorphism. Then the crossed module

\[ \ker(\theta,\varphi) = (\partial| : \ker\theta \rightarrow \ker\varphi ) \]

is called the kernel of \((\theta,\varphi)\). Also, \(\ker(\theta ,\varphi )\) is an ideal of \(\mathcal{X}\). An example is given below.

gap> Xmor := Kernel( mor );
[ <algebra of dimension 2 over GF(2)> -> <algebra of dimension 2 over GF(2)> ]
gap> IsXModAlgebra( Xmor );
gap> Size2d( Xmor );
[ 4, 4 ]
gap> IsSubXModAlgebra( XIAc4, Xmor );

4.2-3 Image
‣ Image( mor )( operation )

Let \((\theta,\varphi) : \mathcal{X} = (\partial : S \rightarrow R) \rightarrow \mathcal{X}^{\prime} = (\partial^{\prime} : S^{\prime} \rightarrow R^{\prime})\) be a crossed module homomorphism. Then the crossed module

\[ \Im(\theta,\varphi) = (\partial^{\prime}| : \Im\theta \rightarrow \Im\varphi) \]

is called the image of \((\theta,\varphi)\). Further, \(\Im(\theta,\varphi)\) is a subcrossed module of \((S^{\prime},R^{\prime},\partial^{\prime})\).

In this package, the image of a crossed module homomorphism can be obtained by the command ImagesSource. The operation Sub2dAlgObject is effectively used for finding the kernel and image crossed modules induced from a given crossed module homomorphism.

4.2-4 SourceHom
‣ SourceHom( mor )( attribute )
‣ RangeHom( mor )( attribute )
‣ IsInjective( mor )( property )
‣ IsSurjective( mor )( property )
‣ IsBijjective( mor )( property )

Let \((\theta,\varphi)\) be a homomorphism of crossed modules. If the homomorphisms \(\theta\) and \(\varphi\) are injective (surjective) then \((\theta,\varphi)\) is injective (surjective).

The attributes SourceHom and RangeHom store the two algebra homomorphisms \(\theta\) and \(\varphi\).

gap> ic4 := One( Ac4 );;                                      
gap> e1 := ic4*c4.1 + ic4*c4.2;
gap> ImageElm( theta, e1 );  
(Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^0)*f1*f2
gap> e2 := ic4*c4.1;
gap> ImageElm( phi, e2 );
gap> IsInjective( mor );
gap> IsSurjective( mor );
gap> immor := ImagesSource2DimensionalMapping( mor );;
gap> Display( immor );

Crossed module [..->..] :- 
: Source algebra has generators:
  [ (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^0)*f1*f2 ]
: Range algebra has generators:
  [ (Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^0)*f1*f2, (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ... ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
  [ (Z(2)^0)*<identity> of ...+(Z(2)^0)*f1+(Z(2)^0)*f2+(Z(2)^0)*f1*f2 ]

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